Our School

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Tennessee's First Public Montessori

As Nashville's first public Montessori school, Hull-Jackson Montessori School encourages students in our primary and elementary programs to engage and learn through an individualized learning format based on the Montessori philosophy. As part of this philosophy, teachers guide students through differentiated instruction tailored to meet the strengths and challenges of their students, all while meeting district and state academic standards.

In addition, students are given the opportunity to participate in various activities outside of the regular school day, such as the Disney productions, strings programs, tutoring, various clubs, alongside community building projects.

Hull-Jackson is a place where children are valued and invested in. There is a sense of family and teamwork that is unprecedented, and the joy and enthusiasm for learning as we prepare students for their next steps are unmatched. Students and parents also feel welcome and valued at Hull-Jackson.

They know that through the process, whether easy or difficult, they will have a voice and solutions will be developed to meet all needs.

Benefits of Multi-Age Classroom

Why a Multi-Age Classroom?

One aspect of a Montessori classroom is that there is a 3-year age span among the children.

  • Pre-Primary: 3-6 years old, or Preschool-Kindergarten.
  • Lower Elementary: 6-9 years old (1st-3rd).
  • Upper Elementary: 9-12 years old (4th-5th).

Maria Montessori found this to be most beneficial for children, and now, educational research supports this practice, although it's typically only found in Montessori schools.

Wonderful Benefits to the Multi-Age Classroom

  • Children learn from one another - they learn by observing and interacting.
  • Young children learn higher-level cognitive and social skills not only through mental development but also by observing others as models.
  • Collaborative learning is encouraged.
  • Multi-age grouping helps children develop a sense of community and supports social development.
  • Children work at their own levels, which may vary in different curriculum areas.
  • Curriculum and materials are multidimensional and concrete.
  • Multi-age groupings lend itself well to the inclusion of children with special needs into classrooms with typically developing peers.
  • Children who are given the freedom to interact with children of different ages build a sense of themselves and a sense of confidence.

Montessori philosophy supports multi-age grouping, and Montessori teachers have implemented it for over 100 years. This concept has recently moved into the mainstream due to the work of many educational theorists and researchers. Some states are now recommending their preschools and elementary classrooms implement multi-age grouping.

School Hours

8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Cluster Map

Use our online zone map to learn more about our cluster.

School Board Member

District 5